The Right Choice

Last week a friend of mine said to me that he cannot control his anger over the Government inaction on certain issue (and I am sure there are infinite(!) issues in this category, if you ask people). So when I thought about it, it became clear to me that even though we have many choices in expressing our emotions, yet we choose anger as our first choice many a times. And our actions follow that, which most likely can be disastrous. It is because our choices are mechanical, reactionary and may not have preceded much thinking.

So although we say that we think a lot, in reality we are constantly making choices in life. In fact to think is also a choice, because we choose what to think about, isn’t it? In every interaction with others, we choose what we talk and how we talk. We evaluate others and decide to trust them or not. We make career choices. We decide on our relationship. We choose what to eat. What kind of entertainment should we have today? We tune into the channel and allow whatever is broadcast into our head. That forms our opinions. We choose to read certain part of the news and that affects our views of the world. That in turn results into our actions, sometimes kind, humanitarian, sometimes violent.

In fact we are faced with umpteen choices every moment and we keep deciding and navigating our way forward in this life. And we regret some choices, we are ecstatic over some, when we win, things turn out nice and pleasant.

But how do we make a choice? What do we need? Of course the knowledge, information, experience etc. And how do we get that? It is based on what our past is. The irony is every wrong choice gives us valuable experience which helps make a good choice next time. Everything we have learned and experienced in the past helps us make the decision at this moment. What prompts you to read this blog? It is your inclination to strive for excellence. You want to make the right decision, right choice. Our environment, friends, parents, relatives, work place, everything affects our choices, as we learn from all of them. And we affect how others make their choices.

So the clue to making the right choice is building our reservoir of knowledge, and not just that but to build good thinking. As everything we think of is influenced by what we see and perceive, it is extremely important to surround ourselves with positive environment, right company, right reading and seeing. Then when we make a choice, it will be naturally the best for you. When we have made the right choice, based on selfless motives, consideration for others, without worrying about the gains, we will achieve the best outcome. We become the role model for others and our choices affect their choices, we are indirectly shaping their lives for better.

And many a times choices are made for us. We have no say in the matter. We go to work and find out that the company will be laying off employees. But if we have made the right choices in the past, we need to rest assured of the best outcome. That is the law of nature. It balances everything.

And finally, having made the choice and deciding to act on that, one should never look back, because then our every choice and decision has to be the correct one. We just keep working hard to make it right.

Photo: Ashikaga Park, Japan (2018)
